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Work &Travel

We link hotel companies with students of philology, gastronomy or tourism to carry out work practices abroad.

A unique experience to integrate you into a new culture for a few months, strengthen your adaptability, create international connections and enrich yourself both personally and professionally. 

Barista en el trabajo
Recepcion del hotel
chef y camarera
Entrenador de natación con estudiantes

"You can't get a job without experience,
but you can't get experience without work."

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya
Curriculum vitae

Get stronger

Living abroad strengthens resilience, fosters open-mindedness, and enhances a student's independence. This experience contributes to social development, confidence and global perspective.

Improve CV

Working abroad enriches the student experience and strengthens the resume. International experience highlights adaptability and intercultural communication skills, expanding employability upon return.

Image by Marcus Loke

All inclusive

Before arrival we will manage the documentation to be able to carry out the practices, our service is free. During your stay you will have accommodation, food and a small scholarship from the company. 

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