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Grow up, learn, enjoy & free u up



We are looking for enthusiastic students of the tourism - philology degree or hospitality school, of legal age (+18) who want to do their curricular work practices in another country. A unique opportunity to apply your academic knowledge and gain experience.


How much does it cost?

Our service is free. The hotel offers meals, accommodation and  a scholarship of €200-300 during the internship, which is curricular, not work-related. Only costs: plane tickets and recreational activities outside of the practices. Carry extra money for shopping or tourism in your free time.


Necessary Documentation

In your country you will need your study center to sign an agreement with the hotel, you will also need to apply for the European health card.  In the destination country, a foreign identification number is required.

We will help you with everything!


During the practices

Work five days a week, eight hours a day, with two days off, where you can visit the environment and socialize with your colleagues.

You will have our support and the support of the hotel staff for any eventuality during your stay. 

Room Service
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